Monday, December 15, 2008

Cake time !

My first successful attempt of baking a cake in US, well actually second, this attempt being a better one. Thanks to my dear friend Anupama. It was her secret recipe to bake a cake without eggs.
Its amazingly cold outside, -18 C. I know, its cold! I saw some beautiful cakes on Food Network channel on TV and it was enough for my taste buds to crave for some chocolate cake. With the required raw materials at home, there comes a superb tasty cake ! You don't need a reason to relish a chocolate cake. Want some? :-)


Amazon said...


Anonymous said...

dear I want whole :) .. but very first thing u need to do after you read this comment is to mail me that recipe .. I will make new year cake with it :D

Anonymous said...

now that cake does look awesome.....

Poonam said...

@anonymous-it was awesome :).