Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Realization is necessary !

When you are in the four walls of your home and living with your own people, everything seems good to you. You conclude that everyone is nice and caring in this world. Everyone thinks mostly alike on the major topics, or tend to agree in due time, living with each other and life is good!

But then when you go in the world outside, its different, a lot different. Definition of everything changes from person to person. You come to realize that its not the same world what you have learned about when you were in your home. You meet people who do not care about things that you care about.

And then you realize freshly about things, people, work, yourself, etc. What you thought about them is actually not what it is, it is a lot more or a lot less. What you thought is good is actually not good and vice-versa.

And such realizations are necessary. You at least get to know the true facts and come to face the reality !


pm said...

vey true :)

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Nikhil Halkude said...

Poonam, very true...I totally agree...Nicely writeen :)

Nikhil Halkude said...

Poonam, very true...I totally agree...Nicely writeen :)