Friday, January 23, 2009


So, I waited, waited and waited... but nothing came... and when I concluded nothing is coming and its only me who is waiting, there something comes...

Stop expecting things and you see unexpected things!


Unknown said...

On a meta-physical note, are those really unexpected things? Or even so,are we justified in expecting an outcome at all? :)


Rach said...

very true....
"expectations reduce joy"...

so better do not expect and stay happy as the surprises come...

Nikhil Halkude said...

Right @ Expectations..Better not to expect anything

Poonam said...

@Saran - Well, it just means that we should not expect. But sometimes its just hard to not expect things.
@rachu - yep.:)
@Nikhil -But its difficult to follow. We can try the best.