Thursday, September 17, 2009


You can't make everyone happy. So, be happy when you and some near ones are happy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I never felt that I will have all these emotions that I am going through currently. I always thought that I have a very stony heart. People who know me also think similar about me... they can never imagine me with a guy and in love. I had all those girly dreams but my love for my parents and family always super-seeded those dreams. I always took marriages as society rituals. And when I said yes to getting married, I still had all these things in my mind.

And now, after 5 months of being engaged, I have such different emotions. I am surprised on myself. I have been planning the next phase of my life. I keep thinking about him most of the time. The one person I look forward to talk to is him. And I keep missing him so much. And for the first time, I cried today just because I was missing him. Yeah, this heart has become soft with time, and its falling in love... and the feeling is very good... :)